‘Super Inquiry’ for Feniton to be held in 2014

A decision has finally been made on how the three Feniton developments currently at appeal will be heard.

Following a request from EDDC planning officers, the Planning Inspectorate has decided to hold a ‘Super Inquiry’ in which all parties (Feniton Park Ltd for Acland Park, Strategic Land Partnership for the land west of Ottery Road (Camp Field) and Wainhomes for an extension to the 50 homes allowed at appeal last August) will argue their case in front of a Planning Inspector.

If allowed, these developments would not only increase the size of the village by over 40%, but would send out a very clear message that Feniton is up for grabs. Indeed, agents for landowners adjoining these sites have made submissions to the draft Local Plan championing further development.

The informal hearing which was previously scheduled to be heard on 2/3 September this year has now been cancelled.

I am pushing for the Super Inquiry to be held in the village, possibly in the Bowling Club, but this will be determined as soon as a date for the event is known. Residents will be welcome to come along to have their say. Public submissions are taken at the beginning of each day and each speaker is allowed three minutes to make their statement.

Residents have come out in force in opposition to each of these sites over a number of years. They have cited the poor infrastructure of the village and the woeful public transport links which make Feniton an ‘unsustainable’ location for mass development.


Feniton Park Ltd site for 32 homes


Strategic Land Partnership site for up to 120 homes


Wainhomes site for 83 homes

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5 Responses to ‘Super Inquiry’ for Feniton to be held in 2014

  1. Feniton is under siege from development and like many other villages in East Devon is in dire need of the Local Plan framework to encourage sustainable development for the whole community. EDDC have continually failed not only on the Local Plan but the 5 year Land Supply. Developer Wainhomes have already had 50 homes approved in Feniton and if all the others go ahead it would increase the village by 40% ‘SUSTAINABLE’ I think not! If these applications are approved it would fundamentally undermine the Emerging Local Plan and become totally development-led and not influenced by the community of Feniton. These developments will be reckless and ruin the structure of the village. I end this with a question WHEN IS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

  2. L. Woodward says:

    I love the photo of the Wainhomes site. They may need a little damp-proofing!

  3. Peter Bending says:

    With a bit of luck two things will happen. Firstly the inspector will be very late because he got stuck at Sweethams/Metcombe corner when two lorries, one coming and one going to the Wainhomes site get jammed. Secondly the Barristers for the various applicants argue that the other developers site shouldn’t go ahead because the Village can’t sustain anymore houses.

  4. Gill Ewings says:

    Well said Peter The other thing that may occur is another deluge! so they won’t be able to get in or even better they get in and become marooned!

  5. Pingback: Feniton Super Inquiry to be First Test of Revised Guidance on Prematurity #NPPF | Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

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